
View all sport and social events here

Youth Evening EVERY Tuesday

Every Tuesday all young ukranians from 16-28 are so welcome in Café Mellemrummet, Ravnsborggade 8, 2200 N from 17-19. We network and try to help young people with their challenges coming to Denmark. We would love to see you. Best regards Stine, Camilla and Tanya (Ukrainian).

Collection of clothes

We are collecting clothes for our ukrainian friends. You can make a drop-off in Charlottenlund (Frölichsvej 50 at Anja Egelund-Müller) or in Copenhagen (Poul Ankers Gade 2 at Stine Trampe Broch). All clothes will be transported to different refugee-centers around greater Copenhagen. Så far 175 bags of clothes has been delivered. And our ukrainan friends still need more clothes.
København + Charlottenlund

The Royal Danish Theater

The Royal Theather in Copenhagen has invited 15 of our ukrainian friends to the rehearsal of the ballet: En Skærsommernats Drøm. It will start at 12.00 and end at 15.00. Tickets in Facebook-group: Aid Ukraine Denmark Youth
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Learn how to bike

In Copenhagen the fastest way to get around is by bike. Bring your bike or just show up if you need to learn how to bike. We are about to set up a date and meeting time for a bie-event.